Marketing is a process that a company or organisation go through to promote a new product that they indorse or have made, so that it will be sold to the public in order to make a profit.
To begin marketing the company has to conduct market research, finding out what their audience wants, how much they would pay, is the product needed. It also includes finding out their main competition.
Once this is conducted, they can then design the product and it’s packaging. The product and packaging will usually include the brand of the company, which then – if the product is found to be popular – will increase the brands reputation giving them brand loyalty.
Then the product is distributed to shops and then the advertising begins.
The ways of advertising the product range from:
- Television Advertising
- Radio Advertising
- Billboards and Leaflets
- Viral Advertising
- And Events
My example for a marketing campaign is the McDonalds brand, which is a globally known company. They begin by seeing what the competition is offering and how they can make their product better. They also think of the economy and how much people actually have now. They check the packaging and the laws on the packaging they use. They also see which of their burgers in the past, that have sold particularly well.
They market their burgers and new products mainly through the TV advertising but they also use posters and billboards to advertise their new burgers and/or meals. But before they start advertising they think of their audience. This summer there was an advertisement aimed at teenagers on their summer holiday, where as during the term times they have their breakfast's advertised with coffee and pancakes shown. They show people that they have options, they also advertise their kids meals giving parents options as well. When people think of McDonalds they think of the tune and 'I'm Lovin' It' as well as the bid 'M' and Ronald McDonald.
They market their burgers and new products mainly through the TV advertising but they also use posters and billboards to advertise their new burgers and/or meals. But before they start advertising they think of their audience. This summer there was an advertisement aimed at teenagers on their summer holiday, where as during the term times they have their breakfast's advertised with coffee and pancakes shown. They show people that they have options, they also advertise their kids meals giving parents options as well. When people think of McDonalds they think of the tune and 'I'm Lovin' It' as well as the bid 'M' and Ronald McDonald.
PR is a relationship that a company, brand, or person, has with the public. Company PR is more about brand loyalty, giving away free products, for example Hovis can give out free bread and give people a sample of what the bread is like and hoping they come back for more, therefore they are gaining new customers and money back from the free samples. PR is not a form of advertising. They try and get their products reviewed and in the press with press releases, sponsors, charitable events and fundraisers.
There are different types of PR. There is PR for people/celebs that include keeping them in the public eye, boosting the profile of someone and also damage limitation. For an out of work for a while celeb who wants to make a comeback, boosting their profile involves pulling strings, getting them to places the press will be at and getting them photographed.
What is more important, the product or the marketing?
Personally I don’t think one can exist without the other. You could market a bad product really well but in the end the consumers will discover the product is a bad one and spread around that the product is a bad one meaning that the product will no longer sell. However, if you simply make a product and sit around doing nothing, that is will what happen. Nothing. It could be the best product that has been ever invented or made, and no one will know about it because it hasn’t been marketed.